Internal Complaint Cell (ICC)

Internal Complaint Cell (ICC)

    Preamble and Objectives of the Committee

    • To resolve the issues pertaining to sexual harassment.
    • To provide a platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances.
    • To faster healthy relationship with opposite gender.
    • To equip students, faculty and staff with the knowledge of their legal rights and redressal of their grievances.
    • To facilitate speedy delivery of justice, through organizing meetings at regular intervals.
    • To sensitize and create awareness about gender justice among the academic and non-academic community in this educational institution.

    Norms for Constitution of Committee

    At least one half of the total members shall be women

    Presiding Officer: a woman employed at a senior level at
    workplace from amongst employees
    Dr Mridula Presiding Officer
    Members : not less than two : from employees preferably
    committed to the cause of women or who have experience
    in social work or have a legal knowledge.
    Ms Nisha Member (Teacher)
    Dr Yashveer Singh Member (Teacher)
    Mr Abhinav Bhatnagar Member (Teacher)

    Role & responsibilities of the committee

    • Be thoroughly prepared.
    • Know the Act, Policy and/or relevant Service Rules.
    • Gather and record all relevant information.
    • Determine the main issues in the complaint.
    • Prepare relevant interview questions.
    • Conduct necessary interviews.
    • Ensure parties are made aware of the process and their rights/responsibilities within it.
    • Analyze information gathered.
    • Prepare the report with findings/recommendations.