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About Haridwar University Library

Libraries serve as repositories of knowledge, offering books, journals, multimedia, and online resources. They are integral parts of academic institutions, playing a crucial role in supporting the teaching, learning, and research missions of universities. Haridwar University boasts a comprehensive library system, offering a balanced combination of print and digital collections. The resources include the most recent editions of databases, books, and journals, contributing to a rich collection exceeding 20,158 volumes. The library subscribes to various online databases such as JSTOR, JSTOR SAOA, IEEE, Sage, EBSCO BSE, SCC Online, Lexis Advance India, Westlaw, Hein Online, EPWRF,, and is a member of digital consortia such as DELNET, National Digital Library of India, and Shodhganga. HU Library system subscribes to a significant number of journals, magazines, and newspapers. The library's infrastructure is both beautiful and user-friendly, featuring spacious halls, a multimedia lab, digital sections, discussion rooms, circulation counters, and well-ventilated premises with air conditioning. Additionally, the library offers neat and clean toiletries, fresh filtered water, lifts, staircases, and well-maintained sections. Special attention is given to the upkeep of the library building through regular inspections and continuous infrastructure upgrades.

News Paper Clipping Service

The library at Haridwar University offers a newspaper facility. This service provides access to a wide range of newspapers for patrons to read and stay informed.

The Newspaper Clipping Service is provided by the libraries of Haridwar University. This service arranges clippings of academic activities, news, notices, advertisements, write-ups, etc. The current work of press-clippings digitization is being carried out in-house by the library staff.

Circulation of Books

HU Library

The library at the Haridwar University provides this service with varied loan privileges. Students and staff can utilize any library to access this service.

Reference Book Services

The Haridwar University Library System offers a Reference Service to its users. This service is available in both offline and online formats. Any registered user may approach the Reference Librarian with specific queries about resources, services, or any other academic requirements. The Reference Librarian keeps records of all reference queries for analysis and to add a greater number of reference sources to the library.