How to

  1. Register by filling in your Name, Email, Contact Number and City. The candidate has to register by filling in details such as Name, Email, Contact Number and City. The required information is to be filled on the registration columns available.
  2. Choose the discipline and program that interests you. After providing the above information, the candidate needs to select the discipline and program of his interest that he/she wishes to apply for. To complete your registration, a non- refundable fee of INR 1000/- is required.

Please review the following information on how to proceed with your application and payment.

Payment Methods:

I. Online Payment: You can make the payment securely online using mentioned payment portal. Once the payment is successful, you will receive a confirmation email with further instructions.

II. Bank Transfer: If you prefer to make the payment via bank transfer, please use the following details:

Account Number99999927099224
IFSC CodeHDFC0000657
Branch1410 Chow Mandi, Malviya Chowk, Roorkee

Please mention "Registration Fee for “Your Name" in the transaction description. After making the transfer, kindly email the payment receipt to for verification.
Important Notes:
1. The registration fee is non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of your application.
2. Please ensure that you complete the payment before submitting your application.
3. Applications without the required registration fee will not be processed.
4. In case of any discrepancies or issues with the payment process, feel free to reach out to our admissions office for assistance.
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your application. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
Haridwar University
Admissions Office

--After successful registration, a confirmation message is sent through SMS/Email. The candidate will receive the confirmation for successful registration on his/her registered contact number and Email address through an Email or SMS.

You can do the offline registration by visiting the campus. For any information contact on Helpline Number

Get an expert advice- You can get an expert advice for the desired program either through online mode at our website or by visiting the campus.

You can get an expert advice for the desired program either through online mode at our website or by visiting the campus, or you can contact our expert advice person on +91-7500102111