Research &

Research Publication

List of Research & Publications

1) Dr. Paritosh Tomar, Dan singh pimoli (2024):- Experimental Study of Friction Factor Properties and HTE using Circular Perforated TT Inserts in Heat Interchanger" Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering.

2) Dr. Paritosh Tomar, Naveen Rana (2024):- Improvement of mechanical properties for PMMA based Denture material Journal of polymer and composites.

3) Arjun Rai dutta, Dr. Paritosh Tomar (2024):- Examining the Variations in World Gold Prices: An Extensive Review from 1980 to 2024, IJMMST.

4) Dr. Pritosh Tomar, Jyoti pippal (2024) Internet of Things:- An innovative approach towards technological advancements IJMMST

5) Dr Prabha Parmar (2024) Understanding of Human Values as an Important Part of Human Behaviour:- Journal of Xidian University, Volume-18, Issue-1, 2024. ISSN No. -1001-2400. Page – 1-7.

6) Dr Prabha Parmar (2024) Soft Skills We Need on Work Place The Criterion:- An International Journal in English.

1) Dr Prabha Parmar (2022) Dynamics of Spiritual Life in How to Know God:- Journal of Research in Humanities and Social sciences. Volume 10- Issue 3 (2022) pp: 40-42. ISSN 2321-9467.

2) Dr Prabha Parmar (2022) Eco feminism- A Relationship among development, Ecology and Women in Vandana Shiva’s “Staying Alive”. Rabindra Bharti Journal of Philosophy. Volume: XXIII, No.04, 2022, pp: 49-52.

3) Dr Prabha Parmar (2022) Book Review: Daughters of the Brothel: Stories from Delhi’s Red Light District. IJRCS Volume: 6, Issue-3 , March 2022, 75-77.

1) Pashupati Nath, P.C. Joshi, Induja Mishra and Avnish Chauhan (2020). Livelihood Opportunity For Farmers Through Sericulture-A Socio-Economic Study Of Rudraprayag Dist, Uttarakhand, India-A Case Study. IJHER, Vol 10(1) 194-201

2) Jitendra Kumar, Vipin Kumar,Monu Kumar,Navneet Kumar and Ashok Anand (2020). Introduction of bridges and their types.IJRT Vol:8 (1) 52-56.

3) Jitendra Chaudhary, Vipin Kumar,Navneet Kumar and Ashok Anand (2020). Comparative study of flexural strength of FRC with varying percentage of fibers. IJRT Vol:8 (1) 41-51.

4) Ravi Kamboj, Ashok Anand, & Vipin Kumar. (2020). REVIEW PAPER ON PLASTIC ROAD. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, 6(1), 672-677.

5) Ravi Kamboj & Ashok Anand. (2020). PLANNING FOR SMART VILLAGE IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, 6(1), 680-683.

6) Monu Kumar, Jitendra Chaudhary and Ashok Anand (2020). Introduction to Net Zero Energy Residencial building. IJRT Vol:8 (1) 37-40.

7) Monu Kumar and Jitendra Chaudhary (2020). An overview of prestressed concrete.IJRT Vol:8(1) 22-26.

8) Rahul Kumar, Induja Mishra and Pashupati Nath (2020). A Review on Soil Stabilization Using Rbi Grade-81. IJHER Vol:10 (1) 172-178.

9) Tushar Pundir and Rita Joshi (2020). To study the behavior of a conventional slab and bubble deck slab. IJARIIE Vol 6 (1) 1082-1088.

10) Tushar Pundir and Rita Joshi (2020). To study the behavior of a conventional slab and bubble deck slab. IJARIIE Vol 6 (1) 1082-1088.

11) Tushar Pundir, Reeta Joshi (2020) . of the Feasibility of Bamboo Reinforcement for Concrete Beams. Vol: 7(1) 1525-1534.,

12) Reeta Joshi and Tushar Pundir (2020) To Compare the Compressive Strength of OPC 43 RHA and PPC Concrete. IJARIIEVol: 7(1) 1303-1314.

13) Reeta Joshi, Rohit Bhatia and Jagdish Kandpal (2020) Performance evaluation of irrigation projects.IJARIIE Vol:6(9) 1675-1678.

14) Yashveer Singh, January 2020, “Resolve Error with Correction Techniques”, International research Journal of of Engineering and Technology(IRJET), Volume-07,Issue-01 with Impact Factor 7.34.

15) Anurag Chandna, “A Legacy and Privacy Issue in Cloud Computing” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) p-ISSN: 2395-0072, Vol. 07 Issue 01, January 2020 with impact Factor 7.34.

16) Anurag Chandna, “Security Contribution in Wireless Communication Networks” in International Journal of Science and Research(IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064, Vol. 09 Issue 02, February 2020 with impact Factor 7.426.

17) Mr. Sagar Choudhary, “Detection and Isolation of Zombie attack under Cloud Computing” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) ISSN: 2395-0072, Vol. 07 Issue 01, January 2020 with impact Factor 7.34.

18) Ms. Antima Saini, “A Novel Approach For CBIR using structural Connections and local Binary pattern” in International Journal of Advance research in Engineering Technology & Science (IJARETS) ISSN: 2349-2819, Vol. 07 Issue 01, January 2020 with impact Factor 1.119.

19) Ms. Antima Saini, “An Analysis and solution for Security Issue and Challenges in IOT” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Management Technology (IJERMT) ISSN: 2348-4039, Vol. 07 Issue 01, January 2020 with impact Factor 3.018 .

20) Ms. Sanjana Singh, “Research Study on Testing Mantle in SDLC” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) ISSN: 2395-0072, Vol. 07 Issue 01, January 2020 with impact Factor 7.34.

21) Ms. Sanjana Singh, “Faces of Testing Strategies: why and when?” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) ISSN: 2395-0072, Vol. 07 Issue 01, January 2020 with impact Factor 7.34..

22) Mr. Yudhveer Singh Moudgil, “Network Intrusion Deduction System using Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy logic” in International Journal of Research and Technology (IJRT) ISSN: 2321-7510, Vol. 08 Issue 01, February 2020 with impact Factor 6.8.

23) Mr. Yudhveer Singh Moudgil,“Consumer Online Purchasing Decision and its Influencing factors in uttarakhand: An survey on electronic commerce through computer Forms” in International Journal of Research and Technology (IJRT) ISSN: 2321-7510, Vol. 08 Issue 02, March 2020 with impact Factor 6.8.

24) Ms. Pooja Verma, “A Review Paper on Cloud Computing” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01, January 2020 with impact Factor 4.06.

25) Ms. Pooja Verma, “Network Security and Cryptography” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01, January 2020 with impact Factor 4.06.

26) Garima Pundir,“A Hybrid Filter for Image De-Noising” in International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Computing(IJLREC) ISSN: 2347-6540, Vol. 07 Issue 01,Page No. 17-21, January 2020 with impact Factor 1.81.

27) Abhilasha Banduni “A Review on Computational Determination of Global Maximum Power Point (GMPP) for PV Arrays under Partial Shading Condition”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), January 2020.

28) Abhilasha Banduni “A Review on Photovoltaic Solar Power Generation with MaximumPower Point Tracking”, International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, Volume 6 Issue 2 2020.

29) Simran Nagwan, Amit Kumar, Robin Chopra,“A Review On Job Evaluation In Hr Management,” International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, Volume 6 Issue 1 2020.

30) Simran Nagwan, “A Review On Interfacing Between Brain & Computer-Brain Science,” International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, Volume 6 Issue 1 2020.

31) Robin Chopra (Jan 2020) “Chemical Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nano particles of its optical and electrical properties” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 09 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.87.

32) Robin Chopra, (Jan 2020) “A review on recent development in corrosion and wear resistance with coating in various types of steel and its alloys.” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN(o): 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

33) Pooja Arya (Jan 2020) “A Study on performance of Vibration Isolators with Small Engine” in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01with impact Factor 5.16.

34) Pooja Arya, (Jan 2020) “A Study on performance of Vibration Isolators with Small Engine” in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01with impact Factor 5.16.

35) Akhilesh Kandwal (Jan 2020) “A Review on Impact of Carbon Credit in Environment” in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2250-1371, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.16.

36) Neha Kashyap (Jan 2020) “The Importance and Role of Human Factors and Ergonomics at Workplace” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01with impact Factor 4.06.

37) Neha Kashyap (Jan 2020)“Obtaining of fuel from Plastic Wastage: Review.” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01with impact Factor 4.06.

38) Abhishek Kumar Upadhyay (Jan 2020)“The Non- Linear Dynamics Of A flexible Rotor Supported By Turbulent Fluid Film Journal Bearing With Micro Polar Stress Fluid” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

39) Amandeep (Jan 2020)“A new age of digitalization in oil and gas industry: A Review” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

40) Niharika Mishra (Jan 2020)“Portrayal(Characterization) of lithological properties by using self potential and gamma ray log” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

41) Niharika Mishra (Jan 2020)“Analysis of a Suitable Defoamer For Drilling Fluid - Review” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01with impact Factor 4.06.

42) Amit Kumar (Jan 2020)“ Static Analysis of Bajaj Pusar 150cc Connecting using -14.0” in International Journal of Research in Engineering Science and Management (IJRESM) ISSN: 2581-5792, Vol. 03 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.3.

43) Amit Kumar (Jan 2020)“ Dynamic Analysis of Connecting Rod Using Ansys-14.0” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06

44) Abhishek Yadav (Jan 2020)“Optimization of Process parameters of friction stir weldedjoint of dissimilar AI-alloy AA2024 and AA5052 using response surface methodology” in International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation (IJREI) ISSN: 2456-6934, Vol. 04 Issue 01, January - 2020 with impact Factor 4.782.

45) Abhishek Yadav (Jan 2020)“ “Numerical analysis and fluid structure interaction of flow around a flat plate at low reynolds number” in International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation (IJREI) ISSN: 2456-6934, Vol. 04 Issue 01, January - 2020 with impact Factor 4.782.

46) Abhinav Bhatnagar (Jan 2020) “Selection for better and increased tool life by the use of HSS cutting tool with various workpieces” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) ISSN: 2395-0072, Vol. 07 Issue 01 with impact Factor 7.34.

47) Abhinav Bhatnagar (Jan 2020)“ “A Review Paper On The Production Line Of An Aluminum Alloy Wheel Manufacturing Industry And To Improve The Quality Of Production Using Quality Control Tools” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) ISSN: 2395-0072, Vol. 07 Issue 01 with impact Factor 7.34

48) Sumit Chauhan (Jan 2020)“Determine The Process Parameters of Machining of Gear on Electrical Discharge Machining” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

49) Sumit Chauhan (Jan 2020) “To Optimize Process Parameters of Tungsten Inert Gas Welding of Mild Steel by Taguchi Method” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

50) M. Bazant, S. Kumar, et al., Electrotunable wetting, and micro- and nanofluidics: general discussion, Faraday Discussion, (2017), 199, 195–237. (Impact No. 3.858) S. Thakur, N. Das, S. Kumar, A. K. Dasmahapatra, D. Bandyopadhyay, Microdroplet PhotoFuel Cells to Harvest High Density Energy and Dye Degradation" Nanoscale Advance (2020), 2, 1613-1624. (Impact No. Pending)

51) S. Kumar, S. Timung, A. Ghosh, A. K. Dasmahapatra, and D. Bandyopadhyay, Self-organized Spreading of Droplets to Fluid Toroids, JCIS, (2020), 578,738-748. (Impact No. 7.489)

52) S. Kumar, S. Suresh, Study of photodegradation and wetting behavior on synthesis oxides of tin (stannous and stannic), Materialia. (2020), 14, 100869. (Impact No. Pending)

53) S. Kumar, S. Madan, N. Bariha, S. Suresh, Swelling and shrinking behavior of modified starch biopolymer with iron oxide, Starch, (2020). (Impact factor No: 2.226)

54) B. Sarma, S. Kumar, Amaresh Dalal, D. Basu & D. Bandyopadhyay, Electric-discharge-mediated jetting, crowning, bursting, and atomization of a droplet, Physical Review Applied, (2020). (accepted)(Impact factor No: 4.194)

55) S. Kumar, Prediction of Pandemic COVID 19 situation in Maharashtra, India, medRxiv 2020.04.10.20056697 (2020). doi:10.1101/2020.04.10.20056697

56) Afjal Husain, Sadaf Zaidi, Mohammad Danish, 2020. Artificial Intelligence (AI)- based Friction Factor Models for Large Piping Networks, Chemical Engineering Communications 207(2), 213-230, Taylor & Francis (Impact Factor: 1.578)

57) Amandeep (Jan 2020) “Non- Linear Dynamics Of A flexible Rotor Supported By Laminar Fluid Film Journal Bearing With Micro Polar Stress Fluid” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

58) Niharika Mishra (Jan 2020)“Portrayal(Characterization) of lithological properties by using self potential and gamma ray log” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

59) Niharika Mishra (Jan 2020)“Analysis of a Suitable Defoamer For Drilling Fluid - Review” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01with impact Factor 4.06.

60) Shafali Dhiman (Jan-2020)“Communication between Endless Relationships” in International Journal of Research & Technology (IJRT) ISSN: 2321-4510, Vol. 08 Issue 01 with impact Factor 7.34.

61) Shafali Dhiman (Jan-2020)“Fundamental of English Grammar” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN (O): 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

62) Dr. Tripti Khatana(Feb-2020)“ Study of Next Generations of Mobile Networks” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 02 with impact Factor 5.6.

63) Dr. Tripti Khatana(Jan-2020)“Impact of Modernization of Society on Natural Resources” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

64) Javed Ali(Jan-2020)“Why the FDI to India During 2010-11 Missed the Mark Concerning its Latent Capacity Level? - An Examination of RBI Report” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

65) Javed Ali(Jan-2020)“Globalizations and Economic Growth Leading of Association and Coordination of the Overall Economies” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

66) Dharna Panwar (Jan-2020) “Understanding Goods & Services Tax of India” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06

Dharna Panwar (Jan-2020) “Impact of job Satisfaction on employee’s Performance” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06

67) Isha sharma (Jan-2020) “A Review Paper on Transportation for Minimun Transportation Cost” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

68) Isha sharma (Jan-2020) “A Review Article on Game Theory Based on Different Models” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

69) Komal Pundir (Jan-2020)“Internet Banking in India” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01, with impact Factor 4.06.

70) Komal Pundir (Jan-2020) “Review on GST” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

71) Dr. Navneet Singh(Jan-2020) “Polybenzimidazole Fiber(PBI): Synetheic Fiber From Benzimidazole” in International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653, Vol. 08 Issue 01, January - 2020 with impact Factor 7.17.

72) Dr. Navneet Singh(Jan-2020),“Some approved medicines containing benzimidazole moiety: A mini review” in International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653, Vol. 08 Issue 01 with impact Factor 7.17.

73) Mukhopadhyay Sayantan*, Mansi Butola. Preparation and evaluation of Erythromycin microemulsion for ophthalmic drug delivery. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 2020, 11 (1): 22-26.

74) Sonali Kanwal, Sayantan Mukopadhyay. Formulation and evaluation of Doxycycline in-situ film for the treatment of periodontitis. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 2020, 11 (1): 07-13.

75) Deovrat Kumar (2020) "Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving uncoated Tablets of Drotaverine HCL “World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (WJPR) ISSN: 2277-7105, Vol. 09 Issue 01 with impact Factor 8.084.

76) Deovrat Kumar (2020) "Evaluation of Self-Medication Practice among Pharmacy Students among Pharmacy Students in Roorkee (Haridwar)

77) Subash Chand (2020) “Current Scenario of Antibiotic Resistant on Indian Community : A Case Study” in Saudi Journal of Mdical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN: 2413-4929, February vol 6 Issue 03 with impact Factor 6.044.

78) Dr. Pushpendra Kumar(Jan-2020)“Studies on gene action involved in inheritance for yield and its attributing traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” in International Journal of chemical studies ISSN: 2321-4902, Vol. 08 Issue 01 with impact Factor GIF 4.86 & NAAS Rating 5.31

79) Dr. Pushpendra Kumar(Jan-2020) “Studies on general and specific combining ability variances and their effects in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” in International Journal of chemical studies ISSN: 2321-4902, Vol. 08 Issue 01, with impact Factor GIF 4.86 & NAAS Rating 5.31.

80) Dr. Frinto Antony(Jan-2020) “Construction of soil Conservation structure for Improvement of crop and Soil productivity in Uttarakhand” in International Journal Engineering (IJERT) & Technology ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 09 Issue 01,with impact Factor GIF 0.565 & NAAS Rating 5.31..

81) Dr. Frinto Antony(Jan-2020)“Reinventing Indian Traditional Milk Production system For Healthy Human, Animals & Environment” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01, with impact Factor 4.06.

82) Dr. Induja Mishra(Jan-2020)“Effect of Environmental Stresses on Fish Haemotology with special reference to a fresh water Catfish Heteropneustes Fossils (Bloch.) ” in International Journal of Higher Education & Research (IJHER) ISSN: 2277-260X, Vol. 10 Issue 01, January - 2020 with impact Factor 5.425

83) Asheesh Malik(Jan-2020)“Performance of conduct field evaluation of strip-till seed-drill for wheat crop” in International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research -IJSER (ISSN 2229-5518) with impact Factor 4.4

84) Deepak Kumar(Jan-2020)“Growth of Agriculture and Government Planning for Development” in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing -IJESC (ISSN 2250-1371), with impact Factor 5.611.

85) Deepak Kumar(Feb-2020) “Agriculture Field Management and Climate Impact on Crops” in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing -IJESC (ISSN 2250-1371) with impact Factor 5.611.

86) Dr. Yogita Navani(Feb-2020) “Study of E-Learning Readiness of Teachers of State Agriculture University” in International Journal of Agriculture Sciences -IJAS (ISSN 0975-3710),with impact Factor 5.611,/p>

87) Dr. Yogita Navani(Feb-2020) “Comparative analysis of E- Learning Readiness of two state agriculture Universities in India” in International Journal of Agriculture Sciences -IJAS (ISSN 0973-6913) with impact Factor 4.20

88) Shafali Dhiman (Jan-2020)“Communication between Endless Relationships” in International Journal of Research & Technology (IJRT) ISSN: 2321-4510, Vol. 08 Issue 01 with impact Factor 7.34.

89) Shafali Dhiman (Jan-2020)“Fundamental of English Grammar” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN (O): 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

90) Dr. Tripti Khatana(Feb-2020)“ Study of Next Generations of Mobile Networks” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 02 with impact Factor 5.6.

91) Dr. Tripti Khatana(Jan-2020)“Impact of Modernization of Society on Natural Resources” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

92) Javed Ali(Jan-2020)“Why the FDI to India During 2010-11 Missed the Mark Concerning its Latent Capacity Level? - An Examination of RBI Report” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

93) Javed Ali(Jan-2020) “Globalizations and Economic Growth Leading of Association and Coordination of the Overall Economies” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

94) Dharna Panwar (Jan-2020) “Understanding Goods & Services Tax of India” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06

95) Dharna Panwar (Jan-2020) “Impact of job Satisfaction on employee’s Performance” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06

96) Isha sharma (Jan-2020) “A Review Paper on Transportation for Minimun Transportation Cost” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

97) Isha sharma (Jan-2020) “A Review Article on Game Theory Based on Different Models” in International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing (IJESC) ISSN: 2321-3361, Vol. 10 Issue 01 with impact Factor 5.6.

98) Komal Pundir (Jan-2020)“Internet Banking in India” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01, with impact Factor 4.06.

99) Komal Pundir (Jan-2020) “Review on GST” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE) ISSN: 2395-4396, Vol. 06 Issue 01 with impact Factor 4.06.

100) Dr. Navneet Singh(Jan-2020) “Polybenzimidazole Fiber(PBI): Synetheic Fiber From Benzimidazole” in International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653, Vol. 08 Issue 01, January - 2020 with impact Factor 7.17.

101) Dr. Navneet Singh(Jan-2020),“Some approved medicines containing benzimidazole moiety: A mini review” in International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653, Vol. 08 Issue 01 with impact Factor 7.17.

102) Tripti, “Performance Analysis of Switched Diversity in wireless Networks.”International Journal of Research Fellow for Engineering May-2013.

103) Tripti, “Performance Analysis of Switched Diversity in Wireless Network” , International Journal of Research Fellow for Engineering, ISSN 2320-7396 Volume 1,Issue 5, pp. 66-75, July-13

104) Tripti, “Bit Error Rate Performance of Switched Diversity in Wireless Network”, International Journal of Research Fellow for Engineering, ISSN: 2320-7396 Volume1, Issue 9, PP. 40-48, December-13

105) Tripti, A.K. Gautam “Study of security contrivance in wireless Network “International Journal of Engineering and Management Research.

1) Kishor Kumar, P.C. Joshi, M.K. Arya and P. Nath (2019). Altitude And Seasonality Of The Hymenopteran Insects Associated With High Altitude Forest Of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Western Himalaya, India.J.Env.Bio.Sci., 2019: Vol. 33 (1): 19-29.

2) Kumar N., Sukavanam N.,(2019), “Road Traffic Activities Surveillance for Accidental Avoidance of Bike Riders without Helmet, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications ISSN 2150-7988. (Accepted).

3) Mr. Sagar Choudhary, “The Success of Computer Assisted Education” in Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research ISSN: 2349-5162, Vol. 06 Issue 06, June 2019 with impact Factor 5.87..M

4) Mishra, R., Burela, R.G. and Pathak, H., 2019, “Crack interaction study in piezoelectric materials under thermo-electro-mechanical loading environment”, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design (Springer), 15(2), pp. 379-412., (IF: 3.48). DOI: (SCI & SCOPUS-indexed)

5) Mishra, R. and Burela, R.G., 2019, “Thermo-electro-mechanical fatigue crack growth simulation in piezoelectric solids using XFEM approach”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (Elsevier), 104, p. 102388. (IF: 3.204). DOI: (SCI & SCOPUS-indexed)

6) Maurya, S. K., Mishra, R. K., Gupta, D., & Agarwal, N. (2019). “Sustainable Manufacturing for Industry 4.0”. Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, 21(16), 2255- 2261.

7) Adesh K., 2019, Oil Well Pack Off Detection Method, Think India Journal, Page No. 3082-3090, ISSN- 0971-1260, Vol-22-issue-16- August-2019.

8) Sonali Kanwal*, Sayantan Mukopadhyay, Ganesh Kumar Bhatt. A review on periodontitis and its treatment strategies. JETIR, 2019, 6(2), 239-255.

9) Deovrat Kumar (2019) “Preformulations Studies of Drotaverine HCL: An Integral Part of Formulation Design” in European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (EJBPS) ISSN: 2349-8870, Vol. 06 Issue 13 with impact Factor 6.044.

10) Meena Devi (2019) “A Review Article on Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRIS” in Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development ISSN: 2320-4850, Vol. 06 Issue 15 with impact Factor 6.044.

11) Meena Devi (2019)“Review of Cervical Cancer Preventive and Screening strategies in India” in Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development ISSN: 2320-4850, Vol. 06 Issue 15 with impact Factor 6.044.

12) Kumar P. and C. N. Ram (2019) Estimates of heterosis for yield and quality attributing traits in tomato [(Solanum lycopersicon (Mill.) Wettsd.)]. Multilogic in science Vol. VIII, special issue, RKVY NOV.-2018 seminar NDUAT Ayodhya.

13) Singh A.; Pandey V.P.; Kumar P.,; Kumar M.; Kumar S. and Vaishya D.V. (2019) To study of correlation coefficient and path coefficient analysis for different characters in germplasm of fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum L.]. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; 8(1): 857-861

14) Singh M.K.; Singh V.B.; Yadav G.C. and Kumar P. (2019) Correlation and path coefficient analysis for growth, yield and quality traits in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex. Poir). International Journal of Chemical Studies; 7(3): 3776-3781.

15) Singh M.K.; Singh V.B.; Yadav G.C. and Kumar P. (2019) Studies on variability, heritability (Narrow sense) and genetic advance analysis for growth, yield and quality traits in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex. Poir). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry ; 8(3): 3621-3624.

16) Singh M.K.; Singh S.P.; Singh V.B. and Kumar P. (2019) To studies on genetic variation in important morphological features and production technology of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) in agro-climatic conditions of eastern Uttar Pradesh. International Journal of Chemical Studies; 7(3): 3795-3803.

17) Singh M.K.; Singh V.B.; Yadav G.C. and Kumar P. (2019) To Study the Combining Ability and Gene Action Involve in Expression of Traits in Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex. Poir). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(6): 1535-1549.


1) Dr. V. K. Vimal, Dr. Pushpendra Kumar and Raja Bhaiya (2019) Growth & Development of Vegetable Crops. Sankalp Publication Bilaspur-Chhattisgarh. (ISBN: 978-93-88660-51-8)

2) Dr. Pushpendra Kumar, Satyendra Kumar and Veerendra Kumar (2019) Tomato. Books clinic Publication Bilaspur-Chhattisgarh. (ISBN: 978-93-88797-66-5)


1) डॉ० विजय कुमार विमल, डॉ० पुष्पेन्द्र कुमार, डॉ० मनीष कुमार सिंह एवं मंजीत कुमार (2019) लता वर्गीय सब्जियों में कीट एवं रोग प्रबंधन | विजार्ड पब्लिकेशन्स नई दिल्ली |

2) डॉ० पुष्पेन्द्र कुमार,डॉ० मनीष कुमार सिंह, डॉ० मनीष पाण्डेय, अजीत सिंह(2019) जड़ और बल्ब वर्गीय सब्जियों में पौध संरक्षण एवं प्रबंध | विजार्ड पब्लिकेशन्स नई दिल्ली |

1) Pashupati Nath, Dalip Kumar Mansoura, P.C.Joshi (2018) Ecological studies on oak tasar silk moth Antheraea spp.(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in the Garhwal region of the state of Uttarakhand. International conference on Mother Earth: Environmental crisis & sustainable strategies (ICME-2018) Volume (2)160-163.

2) Sanjay Kumar, PC Joshi, Pashupati Nath and Vinaya Kumar Singh (2018).Impacts of Insecticides on Pollinators of Different Food Plants. Entomol Ornithol Herpetol 7:2,2-6.

3) Kumar N., Sukavanam N., (2018). “Deep network architecture for large scale visual detection and recognition issues”. International Journal of Information Assurance and Security ISSN 1554-1010) (ESI Indexed)(Accepted).

4) Kumar N., Sukavanam N. (2018) “Human action recognition from histogram of spatiotemporal depth features”. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies. Springer. (Accepted).

5) Kumar N., Sukavanam N. (2018), “Motion Trajectory for Human Action Recognition Using Fourier Temporal Features of Skeleton Joints", Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 174-180, December 2018. doi: 10.18178/joig.6.2.174-180.

6) Kumar N., Sukavanam N., (2018),”What and where you have seen? Bag of Words based Local Feature Pooling for Visual Event Detection”. In SPIE, 10th International Conference, ICSPS, Singapore. (Accepted).

7) Kumar N., Sukavanam N., (2018) “Detecting Helmet of Bike Riders in Outdoor Video· Sequences for Road Traffic Accidental Avoidance” 18th Springer International Conference ISDA, VIT Vellore, India & Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA, Springer (Scopus Indexed) ( Accepted).

8) Kumar N., Sukavanam N., (2018), “Prosodic and Cognitive Actions based Innovation towards Machine Intelligence System”. National Conference on Modelling optimization and computing for Engineering problems (MOCEP-2018) by MHRD & CCTT, IIT Roorkee, India (Paper presented)

9) Kumar N., Sukavanam N., (2018) “Skeleton based Motion Trajectory for Human Action· Recognition by Cubic Spline Interpolation”. 19th IEEE/ACIS International conference SNPD 2018, Busan, South Korea. (Accepted).

10) Kumar N., Sukavanam N.(2018), “Human Action Recognition from Motion Trajectory using· Fourier Temporal Features of Skeleton Joints”. IEEE 4th International conference on ICACCE, Paris, France.(accepted)

11) Kumar N., Sukavanam N., (2018), “Motion Trajectory for Human Action Recognition using· Fourier Temporal Features of Skeleton Joints”. International ACM Proceedings (ICISS-2018), Jeju Island, South Korea. (ISBN: 978-1-4503-6421-8).

12) Kumar N., Sukavanam N. (2018), “Key frame and shot boundaries: The attributes of scene segmentation and classification”. ICSHA-2018, BML Munjal University, Gurgoan (INDIA), Springer (Scopus Indexed).

13) Pooja Verma, (2018), “Review for CBIR system for retrieving images from enormous databases using dissimilar algorithms”, international journal for research in applied science & Engineering Technology, Volume 6 ,issue3, March 2018.

14) Kumar, A., & Chaudhary, A. K. 2018. Microstructural Evolution and Machining Behaviour of in-situ Aluminium Matrix Composites fabricated by Stir Casting Process. International journal of Research in Advent Technology. a 6(11), 3093–3097

15) Choudhary, S. K., Jadoun, R. S., Kumar, A., & Rao, D. K. 2018. ""ROLE OF AUTOMATION IN MANUFACTURING"". International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 243–249."

16) (SCOPUS & INSPEC indexed) Mishra, R.K. (2018), “A Review on fracture mechanics in piezoelectric structures”, Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), vol. 5, pp. 5407-5413. DOI:

17) S. Rathore, Vikas Verma, B.V. Manoj Kumar, Vikram V. Dabhade,(Apr 2018)"Tribological Behaviour of Sinter-Forged Fe-2Cu-0.7C-xMo Alloys, Wear” in (SCI) Elsevier ISSN: 0272-8842 withImpact Factor: 3.315

18) Sandeep, Vikas Verma, U.Prakash, P. C. Tewari and D. Khanduja,(Jan 2018) "Influence of Sintering Temperature and Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fe-Cr-Mo P/M Steel, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals,in (SCI)Springer Volume 71 Issue 1 with Impact Factor: 1.176.

19) Afjal Husain, Sadaf Zaidi, Mohammad Danish, 2018. Modeling of flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of R11 in mini-channels using support vector machines and its comparative analysis with the existing correlations, Heat and Mass Transfer 55(1), 151- 164, Springer (Impact Factor: 1.685).

20) Jyoti Nautiyal and Sayantan Mukhopadhyay. Depression- Current Approaches for Its Conventional and Alternative Treatment. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2018; 05 (04), 2862-2879.

21) Jyotsana Bhatt and Sayantan Mukhopadhyay. Alzheimer’s – Current Strategies for Its Diagnosis and Treatment. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2018; 05 (04), 2881-2896.

22) Dobhal Nidhi, Mukhopadhyay Sayantan, Transdermal Drug Delivery –Its Approaches, Utility and Current Advancement. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2018; 05 (05), 3751-3760.

23) Sumit Durgapal*, Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, Laxmi Goswami, Jyoti Upadhyay, Arvind Jantwal, Ashish Dimri, Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Patch and Gel of Venlafaxine. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences.2018; 6(2), 58-72.

24) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay*, Jyoti Nautiyal and Preeti Kothiyal, Formulation and Evaluation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles of Venlafaxine Hydrochloride for the Effective Treatment of Depression. International journal of pharmacy and biological sciences.2018; 8(3), 273-288.

25) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, Nidhi Dobhal, Preeti Kothiyal, Development and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besylate Laden In-Situ Film. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 6(8), 2018.

26) Mukhopadhyay Sayantan*, Bhatt jyotsna, Kothiyal Preeti, Development and Evaluation of polymeric nanoparticles of Donepezil Hydrochloride for efficient Management of Alzheimer’s disease.JETIR,2018, 5(8), 488-497.

27) Mukhopadhyay Sayantan, Mansi Butola,. Microemulsion In Ocular Drug Delivery: A Review. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2018 5(11), 256-270.

28) Dixit, M., Kundu, P., & Jariwala, H. R. (2018). "Gbest-guided artificial bee colony algorithm based simultaneous placement of distributed generation and shunt capacitor in distribution networks". International Journal of Power Electronics, 9(2), 123-149 (Inderscience).

29) Singh A. K.; Pandey V.P.; Singh V.P.; Singh A.; Kumar P.; Singh K.A.P. And Sriom (2018) Studies on character association and path analysis of yield with importent yield contributing traits in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). International Journal of Chemical Studies; 6(3): 657-661.

30) Singh A. K.; Pandey V.P.; Dwivedi D.K.; Singh A.; Kumar P., Singh K.A.P. And Sriom (2018) Quantitative analysis of selection parameters in yield contributing traits of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) genotypes. International Journal of Chemical Studies; 6(3): 651-656.

31) Kumar P.; Ram C.N.; Nath S.; Gautam D.K.; Singh A.K.; Choudhary A.M.; Yadav S. and Yadav J.K. (2018) Heritability (narrow sense) and genetic advance for yield and quality attributing traits in tomato [(Solanum lycopersicon (Mill.) Wettsd.)]. International Journal of Chemical Studies; 6(4): 305-307.

32) Kumar P.; Ram C.N.; Gautam D.K.; Choudhary A.M.; Singh A.K.; Yadav J.K. and Yadav S. (2018) diversity for yield and quality attributing traits in tomato [(Solanum lycopersicon (Mill.) Wettsd.)]. International Journal of Chemical Studies; 6(4): 275-279.

33) Kumar P. and C. N. Ram (2019) of heterosis for yield and quality attributing traits in tomato [(Solanum lycopersicon (Mill.) Wettsd.)]. Multilogic in science Vol. VIII, special issue, RKVY NOV.-2018 seminar NDUAT Ayodhya.

34) Mishra Induja, Joshi, B. D. and Joshi, Namita “Sex related variation in some hematological values of a fresh water catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.) “ J. Env. Bio-Sci, 2018: Vol. 32 (2): 331-336.

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1) T Singh, B M Singh “Unusual Event Detection and Localization Using Optical Flow Techniques” International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) (pp 2800-2814), Vol 8 No 6 Dec 2016-Jan 2017.

2) Kumar N., & Bhargava D. (2017). “A scheme of features fusion for facial expression analysis: A facial action recognition”. Journal of statistics and Management System, 20(4), 693-701.

3) Kumar N., Sharma A., (2017). “Sentimental analysis for political activities from social media· data analytics”. 4th International Conference ICETETSM-17, IET, Delhi (INDIA)

4) Kumar N., (2017). “Large scale deep network architecture of CNN for unconstraint visual· activity analysis”. 17th International Conference, SAU Delhi & Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA, Springer (Scopus Indexed).

5) Kumar N., Sharma A., (2017). “A Spoofing security approach for facial biometric data· authentication in unconstraint environment”. 2nd International Conference ICACIE, CU Ajmer (INDIA), Springer (Scopus Indexed).

6) Kumar N., (2017). “Motion Trajectory based human face and hands tracking for sign language· recognition”. 4th IEEE International Conference UPCON-2017, GLA Mathura (INDIA).

7) Kumar N., (2017). “Sign Language Recognition for hearing impaired people based on hands· symbols classification”. 4th IEEE International Conference ICCCA, Galgotia University, Noida (INDIA).

8) Kumar N., (2017). “Multi-camera video surveillance for suspicious object tracking analysis”. 6th· IEEE International Conference, SMART-2017, TMU Moradabad (INDIA) (Scopus Indexed).

9) Kumar N., (2017). “Machine Intelligence Prospective for Large Scale based Visual Activity· Analysis”. 9th IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing (ICoAC), Coimbatore, India.

10) Kumar N., (2017), “Human action recognition from spatiotemporal depth features classification”. Springer, International Conference, RAACE-2017, Jaipur (INDIA). (Scopus Indexed).

11) Kumar N., (2017). “A Scheme of visual object tracking for human activity recognition in social media analytics”. Springer, International Conference ICICCT-2017, Delhi (INDIA) (Scopus Indexed).

12) Kumar N., (2017). “Densely sampled noiseless optical flow for motion based visual activity· analysis”. 4rd IEEE International Conference ICACCA-2017, Tula (Dehradun) & Tailor’s University Malaysia.

13) Antima Saini, June 2017, “A review the topic content based image retrieval by different techniques”, (NCECIC), THDC-Tehri.

14) Bana, S. and Saini, R.P. (2017), “Experimental investigation on power output of different photovoltaic array configurations under uniform and partial shading scenarios”, Energy, 127, 438–453. (Elsevier).

15) Bana, S. and Saini, R.P. (2017), “Identification of unknown parameters of a single diode photovoltaic model using particle swarm optimization with binary constraints”, Renewable Energy, 101, 1299-1310. (Elsevier).

16) Pathak, H., Mishra, R.K., Singh, A. and Singh, I.V., 2017, “Simulation of 3-D Cracks under Thermo-Mechanical Environment”, Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), 4(9), pp. 10259-10263. DOI:

17) (SCOPUS & INSPEC indexed) Mishra, R.K. (2018), “A Review on fracture mechanics in piezoelectric structures”, Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), vol. 5, pp. 5407-5413. DOI:

18) Sandeep, Vikas Verma, U.Prakash, P. C. Tewari and D. Khanduja, (Aug 2017) "Studies on Induction Hardening of Powder Metallurgy Processed Fe-Cr/Mo Alloys International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 2017 in (SCI)Springer ISSN: 1674-4799 Volume 24 Issue 8 with Impact Factor: 1.319.

19) Vikas Verma, B.V. Manoj Kumar,(Mar 2017) “Processing of TiCN–WC–Ni/Co Cermets via Conventional and Spark Plasma Sintering Technique, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals” in (SCI)Springer ISSN: 0972-2815 Volume 70 Issue 3 with Impact Factor: 1.176.

20) Vikas Verma, B.V. Manoj Kumar,(Mar 2017) “Processing of TiCN–WC–Ni/Co Cermets via Conventional and Spark Plasma Sintering Technique, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals” in (SCI)Springer ISSN: 0972-2815 Volume 70 Issue 3 with Impact Factor: 1.176.

21) Vikas Verma, B.V. Manoj Kumar (Feb 2017) "Sliding Wear Behavior of SPS Processed TaC Containing Ti(CN)-WC-Ni/Co Cermets Against Silicon Carbide, Wear" in (SCI) Elsevier ISSN: 0043-1648 Volume 44 Issue 2 with Impact Factor: 3.315.

22) Vikas Verma, B.V.Manoj Kumar,(Feb 2017) "Synthesis, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al2O3/ZrO2/CeO2 Composites with Addition of Nickel and Titania processed by Conventional Sintering, Materials Today: Proceedings.” in (SCI)Elsevier; ISSN: 0272-8842 Volume 4 Issue 2 with Impact Factor: 3.45

23) S. Kumar, B. Sharma, A. Dalal, D. Basu, A. K. Dasmashapatra and D. Bandyopadhyay, Field Induced Anomalous Spreading, Oscillation, Ejection, Spinning, and Breaking of Oil Droplets on Strongly slipping Water Surface, Faraday Discussion, (2017), 199, 115-128. (Impact No. 3.858)

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26) Sumit Durgapal, Sayantan Mukhopadyay and Laxmi Goswami. Characterization and evaluation of floating microparticles of ciprofloxacin. International journal of applied pharmaceutics.2017; 9(1):1-8.

27) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, N.V. Satheesh Madhav and Kumud Upadhyaya. Development and evaluation of bio-nanopaticles as novel drug carrier for the delivery of Donepezil. International journal of Nano Dimension. 2017; 2(8):9-17.

28) Shivanand, Sayantan Mukhopadhyay. A review on lyophilization: A technique to improve stability of hygroscopic, thermolabile substance. Pharmatutor. 2017; 5(11); 28-39

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32) Kumar P.; Singh V. B.; and Gautam D.K. (2017) Correlation and path coefficient analysis among different characters in germplasm of ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula L. (Roxb.)]. Research in Environment and Life Science 10(2) 157-160.

33) Kumar P.; Singh V. B.; Ram C. N. and Gautam D.K. (2017). Genetic diversity study in ridge gourd [Luffaacutangula L. (Roxb.)] germplasm. Research in Environment and Life Scince 10(3) 232-234.

34) Choudhary A.M.; Vishwakarma S. R.; Gautam D.K.; Kumar R. and Kumar P. (2017). Studies on Genetic Diversty in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for Yield and its Component Traits. Trends in Biosciences. 10(2) 670-673.

35) Singh D.P.; Deo C.; Gautam D.K.; Kumar R. and Kumar P. (2017). Studies on Genetic Diversity for Yield, Growth and Quality Traits in Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]. International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology. 4(4) 113-117.

36) Kumar K.; Ram C.N.; Yadav G. C.; Gautam D.K.; Kumar P. and Kumar R. (2017). Studies on Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis for Yield and Yield Attributes of Garlic (Allium sativum L.). International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology. 4(4) 123-129.

37) Kumar K.; Ram C. N.; Gautam D.K.; Kumar P. and Kumari M. (2017). Studies on Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses in Garlic (Allium sativum L.). International Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences. 5(2) 864-870.

38) Singh A.K.; Ram C. N.; Yadav G.C.; Srivastava R.K.; Deo C,; Gautam D.K.; Kumar P. and Kumar P. (2017). Studies on Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Tomato [Solanum lycopersicon (Mill.) Wettsd.]. International Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences. 5(2) 908-912.

39) Singh A.K.; Ram C. N.; Yadav G.C.; Srivastava R.K.; Deo C.; Rao J.K.; Gautam D.K. and Kumar P. (2017). Studies on Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Tomato [Solanum lycopersicon (Mill.) Wettsd.]. International Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences. 5(2) 931-936

40) Kumar, P.; Singh, V.B.; Ram, C.N.; Gautam D.K.and Kumar R. (2017). Studies on Variability analysis for yield and yield attributes in ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula L. (Roxb.)] germplasm. Research in Environment and Life Science 10(6) 513-515.

41) Gupta, R.A.; Ram, C.N.; Chakravati, S.K.; Deo, C.; Vishwakarma, M.K.; Gautam, D.K.and Kumar, P. (2017). Studies on Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses in Brinjal (Solanummelongena L.). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(7): 4543-4548.

42) Gupta, R.A.; Ram, C.N.; Chakravati, S.K.; Deo, C.; Vishwakarma, M.K.; Gautam, D.K.; Kumar, P. and Kuumar P. (2017). Multivariate Genetic Divergence Studies in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(10): 1370-1373.

43) Gautam D. K.; Yadav G.C.; Kumar P.; Kumar V. and Singh M. (2017). Estimation of Heterosis for Growth, Yield and Quality Traits in Bottle Gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.]. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(8): 789-802.

44) Pandey V.C.; Ram C.N.; Gautam D.K. and Kumar P. (2017) .Studies on Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.). Indian J. of Innovative Research, 01(1): 55-59.

45) Pandey V.C.; Ram C.N.; Gautam D.K. and Kumar P. (2017) Studies on Genetic Diversity in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) For Yield and its Component Traits. Indian J. of Innovative Research, 01(1): 60-63.

46) Asheesh malik1,vikas kumar2 saurabh sharma3 , amit kumar4;2017, “design and development of automatic potato planter for mini tractor” international journal of scientific & engineering research volume 8, issue 7, , issn 2229-5518

47) Vikaskumar, Asheeshmalik,saurabhsharma, . d.v. rai ,2017 effect of nitrogen andpotassium on the growth, yield and quality of potato crop (solanumtuberosum l.)” international journal of scientific & engineering research volume 8, issue 7, ,issn 2229-5518

48) Asheesh malik1, vikas kumar2 ,saurabh sharma3 , amit kumar4,2017, “performance evaluation of strip till seed drill for wheat crop” international journal of scientific & engineering research volume 8, issue, issn 2229-5518.

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1) Vinaya Kumar Singh, P. C. Joshi, S.P.S. Bisht, Sanjay Kumar, P. Nath, Sadhna Awasthi and D. K. Mansotra (2016).Molecular Characterization of Butterflies and Its Significances in Taxonomy. Journal of entomology and zoology studies 2016; 4(2): 545-547.

2) Pashupati Nath, P.C Joshi, S. Kumar, V. Kumar, D. K. Mansotra and M.C. Joshi (2016) Consumption And Utilization Of Food By Different Instars Of Oak Tasar Worm Antheraea Proylei (Jolly) Fed On Quercus Lucotricophora Plant. International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies 3(2): 109-112

3) Sanjay Kumar, Joshi P.C., Pashupati Nath, Vinay Kumar Singh and Dalip K Mansotra (2016) Role of Insects in Pollination of Mango Trees. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences Vol. 5(1), 1-8.

4) Naveen C Joshi, PC Joshi, Sanjay Kumar, P. Nath, VK Singh, Dalip Mansotra (2016) Entomofaunal diversity in fruit orchards along the altitudinal gradients of district Nainital, Uttarakhand (India) International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies 3(2): 113-120

5) Vinaya Kumar Singh, P. C. Joshi, S.P.S. Bisht, Sanjay Kumar, P. Nath, Sadhna Awasthi and D. K. Mansotra (2016).Molecular Characterization of Butterflies and Its Significances in Taxonomy. Journal of entomology and zoology studies 2016; 4(2): 545-547.

6) Taresh Singh and B M Singh “Comparative Analysis of Image Deblurring Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 153 – No5, November 2016.

7) Taresh Singh, B M Singh “Unusual Event Detection Using Energy of Motion Technique”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 14, No 11, pp. 755-763, November 2016.

8) Taresh Singh, B M Singh “Unusual Event Detection and Localization Using Optical Flow Techniques” International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) (pp 2800-2814), Vol 8 No 6 Dec 2016-Jan 2017.

9) Bana, S. and Saini, R.P. (2016), “A mathematical modeling framework to evaluate the performance of single diode and double diode based SPV systems”, Energy Reports, 2, 171­-187. (Elsevier).

10) Vikas Verma, B.V. Manoj Kumar,(Sep 2016) "Tribological Behavior of TiCN based Cermets against Steel and Cemented Carbide, Materials Today: Proceedings.” in (SCI)Elsevier; ISSN: 0272-8842 Volume 3 Issue 9 with Impact Factor: 3.45.

11) Vikas Verma, B.V. Manoj Kumar, Shinhoo Kang,(June 2016) Sliding Wear Behavior of TaC-Containing Ti(CN)-WC-Ni/Co cermets, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology in 2016” in (SCI) Wiley ISSN:1744-7402 Volume 13 Issue 6 with Impact Factor:1.534.

12) Sandeep, Vikas Verma, U.Prakash, P. C. Tewari and D. Khanduja,(May 2016) " Analysis of Powder Metallurgy Process Parameters for Mechanical Properties of Sintered Fe-Cr-Mo Alloy Steel, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2016; 32(5):537-541, in (SCI)Taylor and Francis ISSN: 1042-6914 Volume 32 Issue 5 with Impact Factor: 3.350.

13) Kamal Kumar Mittal, Vikas Verma,(Mar 2016) "Lean Manufacturing System for Air Cleaner Assembly Cell in International Journal Logistics Systems and Management, Volume 23, Issue 3, with Impact factor: 4.28.

14) Gaurav Verma, Vikas Verma, Divya Sharma, Adesh Kumar, Himanshu Verma, Kartik Kalia,(Mar 2016) “Design Goal Based Implementation of Energy Efficient Greek Unicode Reader for Natural Language Processing” in International Journal of Smart Home Volume 10, Issue 3, (2016), with Impact factor 6.28.

15) Vikas Verma, Prakash Kumar, Kamal Kumar Mittal, Sandeep Chauhan, P.C.Tewari,(Mar 2016) “Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior Characterization of Al-Al2O3 MMC Processed by DIMOX and Al-Al2O3/MnO2 MMC processed via Stir Casting route” in International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation,Volume 7 Issue 3 with Impact Factor 4.50.

16) Vikas Verma, B.V. Manoj Kumar,(Jan 2016) “Tribological Characteristics of Conventionally Sintered TiCN-WC-Ni/Co Cermets Against Cemented Carbide, Ceramics International” in (SCI)Elsevier; ISSN: 0272-8842 Volume 42 Issue 1 with Impact Factor: 3.45.

17) Vikas Verma, B.V. Manoj Kumar,(Jan 2016) “Processing of Alumina based Composites via Conventional Sintering and their Characterization, Materials and Manufacturing Processes” in (SCI)Taylor and Francis ISSN: 1042-6914 Volume 32 Issue 1 with Impact Factor: 3.350.

18) S. Kumar, Md R. Faridi, A. K. Dasmahapatra, D. Bandyopadhyay, Magnetic field Induced push-pull motility of liquibots, RSC Advance, (2016), 6, 107049-107056. (Impact No. 3.289)

19) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, N.V. Satheesh Madhav, Kumud Upadhyaya. Alzheimer’s – An updated review on disease and its treatment. World J Pharm Sci 2016; 4(2): 204-211.

20) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, N.V. Satheesh Madhav and Kumud Upadhyaya. Formulation and evaluation of bio-nanoparticulated drug delivery of rivastigmine. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2016; 4(5): 264-272.

21) Sapna Tripathi, Mukhopadhyay Sayantan and Kothiyal Preeti. Nose to brain delivery and different strategies for CNS drug delivery. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.2016; 5(6):418-431.

22) Rohit Bhattacharya, Sayantan Mukhopadhyay and Preeti Kothiyal. Review on Microemulsion- As a potential novel drug delivery system.World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.2016; 5(6):700-729.

23) Sameeksha Misra, Sayantan Mukhopadyay and Preeti kothiyal. Formulation characterization and evaluation of bioadhesive orodispersible film of enalapril maleate for soft palate drug delivery. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.2016; 5(6):690-698.

24) Sameeksha Misra, Sayantan Mukhopadyay and Preeti kothiyal. Formulation characterization and evaluation of bioadhesive orodispersible film of enalapril maleate for soft palate drug delivery. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.2016; 5(6):690-698.

25) Renu Tiruwa, Sayantan Mukhopadyay and Preeti kothiyal. An overview on alzheimer’s – disease and its treatment. International journal of research in pharmaceutical and nanosciences.2016; 5(2):45-62.

26) Sameeksha Misra, Sayantan Mukhopadyay, Ganesh K Bhatt and Preeti Kothiyal. Formulation characterization and evaluation of bioadhesive orodispersible film of enalapril maleate for soft palate drug delivery. American journal of pharmatech research. 2016; 6(4):347-363.

27) Sapna Tripathi, Sayantan Mukhopadhyay and Preeti Kothiyal. Preparation evaluation and optimization of in-situ gel of fluoxetine HCl for intranasal drug delivery. American journal of pharmatech research. 2016; 6(4):334-346.

28) Renu Tiruwa, Sayantan Mukhopadyay and Preeti kothiyal. Preparation and evaluation of donepezil loaded nanoparticles. American journal of pharmacy and health research.2016; 4(7): 67-77.

29) Kumar R.; Pathak S.; Kumar A.; Kumar U.; Gautam D.K.; Choudhary A.M. And Kumar P. (2016). "Storage Study of Blended Beverage of Aonla Prepared by Different Natural Oil/ Extract with the Utilization of Waste Syrup of Aonla Candy. Advances in Life Sciences. 5(24):11202-11206.". Energy Systems, 10(2), 489-515. (Springer)

30) Joshi B. D., Sandeep Singh Rawat, Induja mishra and Sushil Bhadula “ On the dilution and mitigation of a sewage drain of kassaban, as impacted by the western Ganga canal near Jwalapur Haridwar.” J. Env. Bio-Sci, 2016: Vol. 30 (2): 561-566.

Popular Articles:

1) पुष्पेन्द्र कुमार एवं डॉ० सी० एन० राम (2016) खरीफ मौसम में विभिन्न प्रकार के सब्जियों की उन्नत खेती | माडर्न खेती पत्रिका माह अगस्त पेज न० 48-49.

2) गौरव सिंह, डॉ० सी० एन० राम, डॉ० विक्रमा प्रसाद पाण्डे, डॉ० अंगद सिंह एवं पुष्पेन्द्र कुमार (2016) पूर्वांचल में लहसुन की व्यावसायिक खेती, एक नया आयाम, एक नयी सोच | माडर्न खेती पत्रिका माह सितम्बर पेज न० 42-44.

3) दीपक कुमार गौतम, डॉ. जी सी. यादव, पुष्पेन्द्र कुमार और राजेश कुमार (2016) लोबिया की व्यवसायिक खेती, सृष्टि एग्रो सितम्बर (1-15).

4) राम आशीष गुप्ता, डॉ० सी० एन० राम, डॉ० जी० सी० यादव, पुष्पेन्द्र कुमार एवं हसन रजा (2016) पूर्वांचल में बैंगन की खेती का आर्थिक महत्त्व | माडर्न खेती पत्रिका माह अक्टूबर पेज न० 48-49.

Abstracts Published

1) Pushpendra Kumar, C.N. Ram, Deepak Kumar Gautam and Avanish Kumar Singh (2016). Disease Management in Vegetable Crops. National Conference on Agricultural and Rural Innovations for Sustainable Empowerment. p. 108.

2) Avanish Kumar Singh, Sunil Kumar, V.P. Pandey, J.K. Maurya and Pushpendra Kumar (2016). Genetic variability and association studies in fenugreek. National Conference on Agricultural and Rural Innovations for Sustainable Empowerment. p. 55.

3) Deepak Kumar Gautam, G.C. Yadav and Pushpendra Kumar (2016). Studies on variability, and character association in garden pea(Pisum sativum L. var. hortense). National Conference on Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture, Social, Plant,Environment, Co-Operatives & Technology. p. 117.

4) Deepak Kumar Gautam, G.C. Yadav, Pushpendra Kumar, Sandeep Kumar Singhand Rajesh Kumar (2016). Studies on mean performance yield and quality traits in garden pea (Pisum sativum L. var hortense). Post- harvest technologies of Agricultural Produce for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security. P. 299

5) Anand Mohan Choudhary, S. R. Vishwakarma, Deepak Kumar Gautam and Pushpendra Kumar (2016). To study evaluate extent and magnitude of variability in barley germplasm for grain yield and important yield component characters. National Conference on Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture, Social, Plant,Environment, Co-Operatives & Technology. p. 121.

6) Pushpendra Kumar, C.N. Ram and Deepak Kumar Gautam (2016). Genetic variability and path coefficient for certain quantitative traits in ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula L. (Roxb.)]. National Conference on Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture, Social, Plant,Environment, Co-Operatives & Technology. p. 143.

7) Kuldeep Kumar, C.N. Ram, G. C. Yadav Deepak Kumar Gautam, Pushpendra Kumar and Om Chandra Panday (2016)studies on variability, heritability and genetic advance analysis for yield and yield attributes of garlic (allium sativum L.) Post- harvest technologies of Agricultural Produce for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security. P.484.

8) Anand Mohan Choudhary S. R. Vishwakarma,Deepak Kumar Gautam, Rajesh Kumarand Pushpendra Kumar (2016) Studies on genetic diversty in barley (hordeum vulgare l.) for yield and its component traits. Post- harvest technologies of Agricultural Produce for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security. P.475.

9) Prateek Kumar , C.N. Ram, S. C Vimal Pushpendra Kumar Mohd Said and Deepak Kumar Gautam(2016)   Studies on Correlation and path coefficient analysis in tomato (Solanum lycopersican Mill.) Post- harvest technologies of Agricultural Produce for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security. P.483.

10) Rajesh Kumar, Sanjay Pathak, Umesh Kumar, Anand Mohan Choudhry, Pushpendra Kumar, Deepak Kumar Gautam and Rakesh Rana (2016). Effect of anti-browning agent on self life and organoleptic quality of minimally processed pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) cv.Kew. Agriculture & Food for Inclusive Growth and Development.P204.

1) Pashupati Nath and P.C. Joshi (2015) and Utilization of Food by Different Instars of Oak Tasar worm Antheraea proylei (jolly) Fed on Quercus serrate (Thunb) Leaves New York Science Journal ;8(8) 92-96

2) Sanjay Kumar, P.C. Joshi, Pashupati Nath, Vinaya Kumar Singh and Dalip K. Mansotra (2015) Green ant Oecophylla smargdina (fabr.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as biocontrolling agent in fruit Orchards. Journal of Sustainable Environmental Research, 4 (1): 51-54.

3) Pashupati Nath, Dalip K Mansotra and P. C. Joshi (2015). Status and conservation of oak tasar silk moth Antheraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in western Himalayan Region Of Uttarkhand (India) News Letter HimParyavarn Vol 28 (I &II) 15-17.

4) Kumar, A., Jadoun, R. S., & Choudhary, S. K. 2015. ""Investigations on Tool Wear Rate of AISI D2 Die Steel in EDM using Taguchi Methods"". Journal of International Institute for Science, Technology and Education 37 : 37–48.

5) Kumar, A., Jadoun, R. S., & Choudhary, S. K. (2015a)

6) Mishra, R.K., Gupta, B, Bharat, 2015, “Computational Study of Convective Heat Transfer in Porous Media by Finite Volume Method”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2 (4), pp. 1268-1273. (IF: 5.87).

7) Mishra, R.K., 2015, “Computational study of conductive heat transfer in porous media by finite volume method”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2 (3), pp. 695-703. (IF: 5.87).

8) S. Kumar, A. K. Singh, A. K. Dasmahapatra, T. K. Mandal, D. Bandyopadhyay, Graphene based multifunctional superbots, Carbon, (2015), 89, 31-40. (Impact No. 8.821)

9) Adesh K., 2015,

Statistical Methods for the Detection of Poor Hole Cleaning Alerts, Conference Proceedings, Chandigarh University, Published by: Technology Publications, Paper Presented in Technological Advances in Chemical, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Page No. 25-31, ISBN 81-901767-0-6

10) Afjal Husain ,Dr.Yusuf, Preparation of Sulfonated Monomer for Pem Fuel Cell and Solvent Optimization for Recrystallization (World Applied Sciences Journal 16 (8): 1082-1086, 2015)

11) Pooja Gupta, S. Mukhopadhyay, Preeti Kothiyal. Colon Targeted Drug Delivery-Approach and Future Prospect: A Review. Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2015; 5(4) :14-41

12) Shailendra Panwar, Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, Preeti Kothiyal, Formulation and Evaluation of Tioconazole Emulgel for Topical Drug Delivery System. American Journal of PharmTech Research, 2015; 5(6): 478-491.

13) Verma Ritesh, Mukhopadhyay Sayantan, Chaudhari Ramesh, Singh Sharanbir. Prof (Dr). Kothiyal Preeti. Formulation development and evaluation of cephalosporin chewable tablet. IJPRBS, 2015; Volume 4(5): 1-25.

14) Sumit Durgapal, Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, Laxmi Goswami. Formulation, characterization and evaluation of bioadhesive buccal patch of venlafaxine. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2015; 3(7): 1433-1445.

15) Sapna , Sayantan Mukhopadhyay and Preeti Kothiyal. Formulation and evaluation of escitalopram loaded nanopartiulated in-situ nasal gel for nose to brain delivery, 67th IPC book 2015, A-527, PP-524.

16) Renu Tiruwa, Sayantan Mukhopadyay and Preeti kothiyal. Development and evaluation of escitalopram loaded nanosponzes for effective treatment of depression, 67th IPC book 2015, A-541, PP-538.

17) Shailaja Pant, Ashutosh Badola, Sayantan Mukhopadyay and Preeti kothiyal. Formulation and evaluation of ornidazole loaded emulgel, 67th IPC book 2015, A-429, PP-427.

18) Formulation and evaluation of microparticulate drug delivery of Rivastigmine for effective treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, 67th IPC book 2015, A-166, PP-164.

19) Development characterization and evaluation of buccal strips of venlafaxine, 67th IPC book 2015, A-459, PP-457.

20) Joshi, B.D., Joshi Namita , Mishra Induja & Rawat Sandeep, “First report on the occurrence of acute viral erythrocytic necrosis in the freshwater Catfish H. fossilis (Bloch), from India” J. Env. Bio-Sci, 2015: Vol. 29 (1): 85-86.

1) Anurag Kumar Singh, N. K. S. More and Pashupati Nath (2014) „Heavy Metal (Cd, Cu and As) Accumulation by Aquatic Plant Along with Gomti River, Lucknow (U. P.) India. G- Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 1(6): 129-133.

2) Yashveer Singh, June 2014, “An Inflation Induced Stock-Dependent Demand Inventory Model with Permissible delay in Payment”, International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA), Volume-96,Number-25

3) Yashveer Singh, “Inventory Control with Soft Computing Techniques”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-3, Issue-8, January 2014.

4) Taresh Singh “Analyzing Cryptographic Algorithms for Low Power Environment Using Fuzzy Logic”, National conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology ICETEST-2014” at College of engineering Roorkee (COER).

5) Dhiman, N (2014), “L-slot wide band antenna”, International Journal of Engineering Research Association (IJERA).

Publications in International Conferences

1) Bana, S. and Saini, R.P. (2014), “A Framework to Optimize the Tilt Angle and Evaluate the Performance of a Solar Photovoltaic Cell”, International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Prevention and control (ICGTEPC), organized by Department of Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu India. (Elsevier, Springer).

2) Bana, S. and Saini, R.P. (2014), “Analysis of Mathematical Modeling for Single and Double Diode Models of SPV system using MATLAB/Simulink Environment”, International Conference on Environment and Energy (ICEE), organized by JNTU, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India. (Elsevier, Springer).

3) Choudhary, S. K., Jadoun, R. S., & Kumar, A. 2014. ""Latest Research Trend of optimization Techniques in Electric Discharge Machining ( EDM ): Review Article"". International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology 2(3), 1–29

4) (SCOPUS & INSPEC indexed) Mishra, R.K., 2014, “Engine Performance Characteristics of 4-Stroke Compression Ignition Engine Fueled With Blends of Biodiesel Extracted From Waste Cooking Oil”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 1(6), pp. 459-465.(IF: 5.87).

5) Jitendra Kumar, Naushad, A.Ansari, Vikas Verma, Pradhuman Dobha,(Mar 2014) "Thermodynamic Analysis and Comparison for “COP” in Solid Adsorption, Refrigeration Systems (BaCl2-NH3 & SrCl2-NH3)” in International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), ISSN 2229- 5518 Volume 5, Issue 3, with Impact Factor: 5.75.

6) Satheesh Madhav NV,Upadhyaya K, Mukhopadhyay S. Development and Evaluation of Bio-Nanoparticle of Rivastigmine for Effective Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. ICPS-2014

7) Mukhopadhyay S, Lakshmayya, Joshi P. Review on Depression and Its Current Treatment Strategies. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Bio-Science 2014; 3 (3): 298-312.

8) Jaideep Bhardwaj and Sayantan Mukhopadhyay. Design And Evaluation of Methotrexate Loaded Multilayered Tablet Formulation for Treatment of Colon Cancer. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2014;5(4) : 1352-61.

9) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, Reetika Pant, Laxmi Goswami. Formulation and evaluation of pulsatile drug Delivery system for sequential Release of atorvastatin. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences.2014; 3 (2): 594-604.

10) Richa Joshi and Sayantan Mukhopadhyay. Review on Floating Drug Delivery System. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Archive 2014; 3(5): 424-38.

11) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, Reetika Pant and B Lakshmayya. Review on Alzheimer’s disease: A Neurodegenerative Disorder. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Biomedical Analysis 2014; 3(2): 1-19.

12) Richa Joshi and Sayantan Mukhopadhyay. Combination Therapy in Diabetes: Review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences 2014; 3(3):686-696.

13) Mishra Induja, Joshi, B.D., Joshi Namita , “ Differncial Blood Cell Counts of the Fish Herteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) infected with Trypanosomes” J. Env. Bio-Sci, 2014: Vol. 28 (1): 77-80.

1) S. Kumar, L. Khamashan, P. Pandey, R. Chaudhary, P. Nath, S. Awasthi and P. C. Joshi (2013) Community, Composition and species Diversity of Butterfly Fauna within Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya Campus. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Study: 1(6) 66 - 69.

2) Yashveer Singh, 2013, “A Fuzzy Model for Warehouse Inventory Model using Signed Distance Method”, International Journal of Trends in Computer Science (IJTICS),Volume 2, Issue 11.

3) Yashveer Singh, February 2013, “A Fuzzy Mixture Two Warehouses Inventory Model With Linear Demand”, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), Volume-2, Issue- 2.

4) Anurag Chandna, November, 2013, “A Fuzzy Model for Warehouse Inventory Model using Signed Distance Method”, International Journal of Trends in Computer Science (IJTICS), Volume 2, Issue 11, 2013.

5) Anurag Chandna, November, 2013 , “Integrating Local Search and Backtrack Search for Boolean Satisfiability”, International Journal of Trends in Computer Science (IJTICS), Volume 2, Issue 11, 2013.

6) Pooja Verma, (2013), “Role of Information and Communication Technology in Transforming Education”, National Seminar on Role of Information and Communication Technology in Socia-Economic and Educational Development, Pauri Garwal, India, December.

7) Chandra I. P. (2013), “To analyze the different layer’s depth of earth core by ground coupled GPR, International Journal of Science Engineering Research (IJER)/VOL-2/ISSUE -4/91-98.

8) Chandra I. P. (2013), “Effect of Routing Protocols on Mobile AD-HOC Networks International Journal of Science Engineering Research (IJSER). VOL- 3/ ISSUE-5/198-204

9) Ravi Butola, Jitendra Kumar, Vikas Verma, Prakash Mahara,(Jul 2013) "Study of Microstructure, Impact Strength on Manual Metal Arc Welding Of Gray Cast Iron Using Enife–Ci Filler Metal” in IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) e-ISSN: 2250-3021, p-ISSN: 2278-8719 Volume 3, Issue 7 with Impact Factor 1.350.

10) Vikas Verma, Jitendra Kumar, N.A Ansari, Sanjeev Kumar,(Jul 2013) "Exhaust Gas Analysis and Parametric Study of Ethanol Blended Gasoline Fuel in Spark Ignition Engine” in American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936 Volume 2, Issue 7 with Impact Factor: 3.70.

11) Afjal Husain ,Dr.Yusuf(2013), Synthesis and Characterization Carboxyl methyl Cellulose Membrane in Proton Exchange materials Membrane fuel cell , Received 10 January 2013; received in revised form 11 September 2013; accepted 15 September 2013, Journal of Membrane Science 229 (2013) 95–106

12) Tripti, “Performance Analysis of Switched Diversity in wireless Networks.”International Journal of Research Fellow for Engineering May-2013.

13) Sayantan Mukhopadhyay ,Jaideep Bhardwaj, Dr. Lakshmayya. Colon Targeted Drug Delivery-A Review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Archive 2013; 4(4): 596-605.

1) Pashupati Nath, Anjali Verma, Namita Dhusia and Nandkishor More, (2012. Study of impact of Natural disasters and its relationship with rainfall distribution in the state of Uttar Pradesh during 2006-2010. Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Water Resource Development and Management held on 20-21st at Shivaji University (ISBN No 978-81-926964-0-9) (Page 214-222).

2) Yashveer Singh, May 2012, “A Fuzzy Based Two Warehouses Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), Volume-2, Issue- 2.

3) Taresh Singh, S Qamar “Time Efficient Recognition Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”, AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Innovative Strategies for Contemporary Management, March 24-25, 2012.

4) Taresh Singh, S Qamar “Energy Efficient Recognition Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.3, No.2, April 2012”.

5) Pooja Verma and Manish Mahajan, (2012) “Retrieval of better results by using shape techniques for content based retrieval”, International Journal of Computer Science & Communication, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 254-257.

5) Vineet Tirth, Vikas Verma, Ayushi Agarwal, Sudhakar Singh, Bhavana Singh,(Jan 2012) "Development of Al-Al2O3(MnO2) Hybrid MMCs and their Characterization for Mechanical Properties”,in MIT International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN No. 2230-7680 Volume 1 Issue 2 with Impact Factor 4.50.

6) Vineet Tirth, Vikas Verma, Tushar Kaushik, Shailendra Singh, Pushpraj, Vinesh Singh,(Jan 2012) “A Novel Technique to Develop Al-Al2O3 MMCs by Direct Oxidation of Al Melt and Characterization of Developed Composites” in MIT International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN No. 2230-7680 Volume 1 Issue 2 with Impact Factor 4.50.

7) Tangri Pranshu, Singh Prem, Mukhopadhyay Sayantan, Lakshmayya, Tangri Shaffi. Development and Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Method For The Estimation of Losartan Bulk Drug and Pharmaceutical Formulation. International Research Journal of Pharmacy 2012; 3(5): 391-93.

8) Gayatri Khosla, Lakshmi Goswami, Preeti Kothiyal, Sayantan Mukhopadhyay. Nanoparticle: A Novelistic Approach for CNS Disorder. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2012; 2(2): 250-259

9) Sharma Rupali, Mukhopadhyay Sayantan, Lakshmayya, Goswami Laxmi. Nanotechnology- The Coming Revolution in Modern Biology and Medicine. International Research Journal of Pharmacy 2012; 3(5): 109-18.

10) Goswami Laxmi, Bhardwaj Nishant, Mukhopadhyay Sayantan, Tangri Pranshu. Buccal Mucosa: A Novelistic Route of Drug Delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences 2012; 1 (3): 1186-1198.

Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, Laxmi Goswami, Pranshu Tangri Rupali Sharma. Nasal Mucosa as a Novelistic platform for Brain targeting. American Journal of Pharmatech research 2012; 2 (1).