

Industrial Internships

Industrial intership play a best role to become a professional person. During the intership stduents are learning the best Internshala is an internship platform for online and offline summer training. MoU was signed between AICTE & Internshala on 27th April, 2017 to facilitate internship for students and the facility is available on AICTE Portal. Internshala’s companies would be offering internships for students across India in diverse roles like Engineering, Product Managements, Design, Sales and Marketing, Content writing, Human Resourses and Finance.

  • Students of all Years and streams are eligible to apply.
  • All the internship will come with a certificate and stipend.
  • Students need to create an account on Internshala to be able to apply to the listed companies.
  • Neither College nor students have to pay any fee to Internshala. At the core of the idea is the belief that internships, if managed well, can make a positive difference to the student, to the employer, and to the society at large. Hence, the ad-hoc culture surrounding internships in India should and would change. Internshala aims to be the driver of this change.
  • For million plus students struggling to get a meaningful internship every year, Internshala is a friend, a mentor, an affectionate senior, and a boon.
  • For thousands of organizations that use Internshala to hire interns, it’s a pleasant surprise, a benchmark of the world standards in customer service.
  • For outsiders (a chance visitor, media, investors, friends and acquaintances) Internshala is the next big thing coming out of India’s start up stable.