Finance Committee

Finance Committee

    Composition of Finance Committee

    • The Principal (Chairman).
    • One person to be nominated by the Governing Body of the college for a period of two 10 years.
    • One senior-most faculty member of the college to be nominated in rotation by the principal for two years.
    • Finance officer of the College (Member Secretary).


    S.No. Name Designation Role
    1 Sh. Satyendra Kumar President Chairperson
    2 Dr. D.B. Singh Vice Chancellor Co-Chairperson
    3 Prof. (Dr.) Rama Bhargava Pro Vice-Chancellor Member
    4 Mr. Naman Bansal Secretary-Satyam Educational Society Member Nominated by the President
    5 Mr. Sumit Chauhan Registrar Member
    6 Mr. Vishwas Jain Finance Officer Member Secretary


    The Finance Committee will be an advisory body to the Governing Body, and will meet at least twice a year to consider.

    • The functions and duties of the Finance Committee shall be as follows.
    • To examine and scrutinize the annual budget of the University and to make recommendations on financial matters to the Board of Management.
    • To consider all proposals for new expenditure and to make recommendations to the Board of Management.
    • To consider the periodical statements of accounts and to review the finances of the University from time to time and to consider re-appropriation statements and audit reports and to make recommendations to the Board of Management.
    • To give its views and to make recommendations to the Executive Council on any financial question affecting the University either on its own initiative or on reference from the Board of Management or the Vice-Chancellor.